Windows 7 GodMode  

Posted by Karan Vora

GodMode on Windows 7Here’s a neat Windows 7 trick that’s been doing the rounds on the Internet. It enables “GodMode,” a term devised by the Microsoft development team, which provides a single place to access all Windows settings without needing to browse options and folders in the Control Panel.
To use it:
  1. Create a new folder.
  2. GodMode windowRename the folder to
    (note that you can change the “GodMode” text, but the following period and code number are essential).
  3. The folder icon will change — double click it to show the GodMode window:
GodMode window
The window shows nearly 50 sections with quick links to configuration options. Strictly speaking, it’s not a God Mode since all the options are available elsewhere. It’s more akin to an “all tasks” list — but you may find it easier than stumbling through Windows numerous screens and panels.

Big Red Warning!

The trick appears to work on both the 32 and 64-bit versions of Windows 7. Vista 32-bit and Windows Server 2008 32-bit should also work. However, it is known to crash 64-bit versions of Vista — and you may need to boot in safe mode or to the command line to delete the folder.

This entry was posted on Thursday, 18 August 2011 at 20:47 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Hey this seems to be great..!!! but how about other MS versions..?? and my vista is not supporting the code u have provided..??

It is accepting the following code -

So is there any criteria for code..???

19 August 2011 at 10:26

Its okay. There is no other criteria for it. It can be used as one stop destination for all changes you want to make.

19 August 2011 at 11:33

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